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 The Island News:

AIRBNB and St Huberts Island:
We provide the following documents in response to residents concerns:

Canal Survey:
Canal surveys provided so far:



St Huberts Island Residents Association FACEBOOK page Facebook - See us on Facebook here.

Contact the Association

Application for (Household) Membership of the St Huberts Island Residents Association Inc (SHIRA)
A convenient four year Membership for $20

For residents and property owners of St Huberts Island


There are two ways to send your application, and two ways to pay.

Send your Application

  1. Use the Online Membership Application BELOW that will be emailed to the SHIRA Secretary.
  2. Print out a Membership Application Form by clicking here, print it out then drop the printed form to our Secretary, currently Geoff Flynn at 25 Mercator, or his letterbox.
    (If the Secretary has changed and the above address has not been upated - email for their street address)

Pay your Membership

  1. Drop your $20 to our Secretary at the address above (with your printed application form if this is your Application choice from above).
    Please ensure you note your name and address with your $20 if you have used the online membership application below. This allows us to connect the $20 with the online application.
  2. Pay your $20 by direct debit (details below).


Direct Debit Details

BSB: 633-000   (Bendigo Bank Ettalong Beach)

Account #: 125-589-655

Account Name: St Huberts Island Residents Assn Inc

Reference text (**REQUIRED**): “Name & Address” e.g. Sam Smith 29 Marina View Pde (or reduced if your bank's Reference field is not large enough).


Online Membership Application (for your Household)

Fields marked with * are required.