Climate Change Policy
Relevant & Useful Websites
[Continually Updated as Websites Discovered]
Assorted Websites
Insurance Council
Coastal Property Risks - Insurance Council
Insurance Afordability Projects - Insurance Council and Catastrophes, Disasters, Community Protection, Flood Database etc
Floodplain Management Australia
Informed Discussion
tellcouncil - xxx
CoastAdapt - xxx
Central Coast Council
Your Voice Our Coast - xxx
Council's main Draft Climate Change Policy page- xxx
Sourced from the Central Coast Council Draft Climate Change Policy Community Workshop Information Pack January 2019
Legislative Requirements
Office of Environment and Heritage - Coastal management manual
Office of Environment and Heritage - Floodplain development manual
NSW Planning and Environment - Coastal management
Federal Government
Australia's 2030 Emissions Reduction Target
National Climate Resilience and Adaption Strategy 2015
Australian Government review of climate change policies 2017
Australia’s emissions projections 2018 - Summary fact sheet
Understanding climate change, Australian climate change research, Future Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Australian climate change research
Future Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Australia’s Changing Climate
Climate Change in Australia – East Coast Projections
Climate Change in Australia –Projections for Selected Australian Cities
Greenhouse Gas Scenarios – Representative Concentration Pathways
NSW Government
Climate Change Policy Framework
Emissions in NSW Fact Sheet
Climate Change in NSW Fact Sheet
Climate Change NSW Snapshot
Climate Change Central Coast Snapshots
Central Coast Regional Plan
CoastAdapt infographics
Understanding CoastAdapt inundation maps
Oceans and climate change
Planning for sea-level rise
Strengthening Australia’s resilience to climate change
Adapting cities and coast for climate change
Bureau of Meterology
Annual Climate Statement
Climate updates
Long-term temperature record
Climate change and variability
Extremes and records
United Nations
Paris Agreement, 2015