7.30pm Thursday 2 March 2017
The Cove Hall, Empire Bay
All residents are invited to this meeting and open forum of all matters of interest to Island residents.
A small plate of food would be appreciated to complement the supplied refreshments after the meeting.
GHD Consultants MIGHT be present to present the “final” Canal Plan OfManagement.
As this is the Annual General Meeting, all positions on the SHIRA (St Huberts Island Residents Association) committee will be declared vacant and new elections will be held on the night. If you wish to become involved come along and raise your hand. New ideas are always welcomed as to how we can improve or progress your Association.
To be considered for election you must be a financial member of SHIRA. While the positions are voluntary (only the President gets paid the big bucks!!), we do generally meet once a month and enjoy a drink or seven and a nibble or two. The cost to join SHIRA is just $20.00 for 4 years and you can join or renew membership on the night.
A Nomination Form can be found below.