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 The Island News:

AIRBNB and St Huberts Island:
We provide the following documents in response to residents concerns:

Canal Survey:
Canal surveys provided so far:



St Huberts Island Residents Association FACEBOOK page Facebook - See us on Facebook here.

Contact the Association

St Huberts Island Residents Association Inc


7.30pm Thursday 11 March 2021

The Cove Hall, Empire Bay

See Map here 

Minutes will be here...

New Committee  will be here...



At this stage the postponed 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held somewhere around the end of August or in September 2021.


 2021 March Annual General Meeting POSTPONED

11th March 2021 AGM Postponed

Due to a variety of COVID-19 based issues, the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the St Huberts Island Residents Association Inc scheduled for Thursday 11 March 2021 has been postponed.

 The current 2020 Committee has agreed to continue in their current roles till the 2021 AGM can he held, and a new Committee voted in by SHIRA members. The duration of service of the 2021 Committee will also need to be determined - 5 months?

 Section 25 of our Constitution (see here) - based on the Department of Fair Trading’s Model Constitution for Incorporated Associations - allows us to delay our AGM to  “within 6 months after the close of the association’s financial year” or as prescribed by allowances of the relevant NSW Act.

 Our Financial Year closes on the last day in February each year in the lead-up to the March AGM.

 So we must hold our AGM by the end of August, although allowances to the Act may permit  a longer delay if required.

By then the weather should be warmer and hopefully we’ll all be vaccinated.

The issues causing our need to postpone, then not specify the date of the 2021 AGM are two-fold:

  • The NSW Government’s restrictions for indoor meetings still require a one person per 2 square metres (as of 25 February) limit.
    We have been delaying the postponement of this year’s AGM, expecting a change in the Government’s COVID requirements, but the last change to these (25 February) have not altered this spacing. This means our Cove Hall meeting can only accept 24 people. Other close-by and available Halls are not much larger.

  • In mid-February we were in contact with the Department of Fair Trading to determine possible 2021 allowances of the relevant Act. Unfortunately their website was out-of-date and showing the 2020 allowances - “Associations may conduct their  2020 AGM when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted or present  2020 financial information to members at the  2021 AGM.
    When questioned about the 2021 allowances, we were told the 2021 allowances are on the Minister’s desk awaiting final approval (still no update as at 26 February). We can only surmise they might be similar to the 2020 allowances, and  if exceptional circumstances arise would allow us to delay the AGM further towards the end of the year.

To summarise:

  • There is NO AGM on Thursday 11 March 2021
  • The current Committee will continue till the 2021 AGM

  • The AGM might be held at the end of August 2021

  •  If allowed by Fair Trading, the AGM will likely be in September 2021 or later

  • You will be kept informed of what is happening.



SHIRA 2021 AGM - possible issues and changes

We are having issues with COVID-19...

The current State Goverment rules are for a 4m² space for each person attending the Meeting.

This means we can only accept a TOTAL of 12 people at The Cove AGM.
This is too restrictive so we are looking to move to another larger Hall for the AGM, but to date the Hall options are still too small for our meeting.

WATCH THIS SPACE to find out what is happening about the AGM!!



Climate Change will very likely be a significant issue for Islanders
(and Coastal communities/State governments/Federal governments/the World) in 2021.

Although it appears CCC has not done much more on their policies over the last year (COVID & SACKINGS?), to find out about the current state of the Council's Draft Climate Change Policy, check out here...


... on Thursday 11 March at the Cove Hall, Empire Bay at 7.30pm

and consider joining the Committee to aid us in working with Council on -

            • the significant Climate Change issues
            • the Greening of St Huberts
            • the Maintenance of the Island's canals.


All residents are invited to this meeting and open forum of all matters of interest to Island residents.
A small plate of food would be appreciated to complement the supplied refreshments after the meeting.


As this is the Annual General Meeting, all positions on the SHIRA (St Huberts Island Residents Association) committee will be declared vacant and new elections will be held on the night. If you wish to become involved come along and raise your hand. New ideas are always welcomed as to how we can improve or progress your Association.

To be considered for election you must be a financial member of SHIRA. While the positions are voluntary (only the President gets paid the big bucks!!), we generally meet once a month and enjoy a drink or seven and a nibble or two. The cost to join SHIRA is just $20.00 for 4 years and you can join or renew membership on the night.


A Nomination Form to join the Committee can be found below. 

Click on it to get a "printable form"