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 The Island News:


  • Annual General Meeting
    - Tuesday 29 March 2025,  7 pm
    - Cove Hall, Empire Bay Drive, Daleys Point
    - See Notice in Community Updates


AIRBNB and St Huberts Island:
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Canal Survey:


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Saint Hubert

Born about 626, Hubert was the eldest son of the Duke of Aquitane. Supposedly of a charming manner and a penchant for worldly persuits, he had a particular passion for hunting.

This passion resulted in no respect for the Holy days, including Good Friday.

The story is told that he was persuing a magnificent stag on the Good Friday of the year 653 when it suddenly turned on him. Hubert saw between it's antlers a shining cricifix and heard a warning voice say:

"Unless thou turnest to the Lord and lead a holy life, thou willst quickly decend to hell."

As a result of this he received instructions, renounced his wealth and title and became an eloquent preacher. In 709 he was appointed the Bishop of Maastricht and in about 722 became Bishop of Liege.

Due to the Relics of St Lambert, their repository, Liege, grew into a large flourishing city.

While the Bishop of Liege, Hubert is said to have worked many miracles. He was known as the Apostle of Ardennes and the Patron Saint of Hunters.

Saint Hubert died in Liege on 30 May 727.

As the hunter's Patron Saint -

"The Royal Stag Hunts of France are conducted in great style. Whole forests outside of Paris are reserved for 'La Chasse'. Hunt followers gather for a special church service in the Chapel of St Crepin each 6th of November, St Hubert's Day, and after the hunters and dogs are blessed by the priest, set out on the chase."




Each year on the Sunday nearest to St Hubert's Day, the residents of St Huberts Island gather for a BBQ lunch on the reserve in Long Arm Parade to celebrate St Hubert's Day.

While the Island has a logo displaying the bridge onto the Island, the Island Association also makes use of the St Huberts emblem.

Its use been graciously allowed by the St Huberts Vineyard located in the Yarra Valley near Melbourne.