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 The Island News:

AIRBNB and St Huberts Island:
We provide the following documents in response to residents concerns:

Canal Survey:
Canal surveys provided so far:



St Huberts Island Residents Association FACEBOOK page Facebook - See us on Facebook here.

Contact the Association

Committee Meeting Minutes

(Being slowly updated)

NOTE: A month crossed through and without a link is a CANCELLED MEETING with no additional documents provided

This page contains links to the currently digitised minutes of the (usually) monthly Committee Meetings - held when deemed necessary.
Also included is the Treasure's reporting for the month.
 • Some months will only have a Treasurer's Report if the meeting was cancelled.
 • Some months might not yet have a Treasurer's Report - this is being chased up and will be added.

As more meetings are held or minutes sourced and digitised, this list will increase.

These meeting files are all in PDF format.
You may be downloading the file to your computer/tablet/smart phone/etc/etc and it will be hopefully less than 3 MB in size.
Your web browser may open these PDF files directly in a new window/tab, or you may need a PDF reader to open these files.

Adobe Reader is the most common reader, and can be downloaded here


2021 January February March AGM April May June July August September October November December
2020 January February [March AGM] March/April May June July August September October November December
2019 January February [March AGM} April May June July August September October November December
2018  January  February  [March AGM}  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December 
 2017 January  February  [March AGM}  April  May  [June GM] July  August  September  October  November  December 
2016  January  February  [March AGM}  April  May  [June GM]  July  August  [September GM] October  November  [December GM]
2015  January  February  [March AGM}  April  May  [June GM]  July  August  [September GM] October  November  [December GM]