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 The Island News:


  • Annual General Meeting
    - Tuesday 29 March 2025,  7 pm
    - Cove Hall, Empire Bay Drive, Daleys Point
    - See Notice in Community Updates


AIRBNB and St Huberts Island:
We provide the following documents in response to residents concerns:

Canal Survey:


St Huberts Island Residents Association FACEBOOK page Facebook - See us on Facebook here.

Contact the Association


7.30pm Thursday 12 March 2020

The Cove Hall, Empire Bay

Minutes here...

New Committee here...


Your Association has represented you in so many ways since its inception in 1976, and in many directions:

  • Minor housekeeping items such as road/pothole/tree maintenance, mowing, round-a-bout issues, and too many more to list…
  • Major items such as bicentenary celebration, rotunda at Long Arm (Council reneged), Cleanup Australia, fund raising for Westpac helicopter and Cancer Council, the Entry Statement, Tidy Town competition, pontoons in the canals, and a lot more…
  • BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY… what’s coming on the horizon: Council “playing” with our Pontoon fee fund, canal and sea-wall maintenance, dealing with the newly elected Council, St Huberts as a heat-sink and it’s greening, the impact on the Island of Council’s Climate Change policies and decisions, and a lot more…

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 12 March this year.

The old Committee stands aside, and a new Committee is elected by those who attend the Meeting.

This year we have three significant Committee positions not standing for re-election:

  • as well as possibly two other Committee members.

Once the Island bridge was opened in 1971, St Huberts was open for business. In 1976 a bunch of residents began criticising a variety of decisions being made that were affecting them and decided to form an Association to take on these issues. 

As part of its creation, the Association needed to create it’s OBJECTS (as stated in our constitution):

  1. To watch over and protect the interests of the residents of St Huberts Island.
  2. To co-operate, if necessary, with other public bodies in carrying out general services for the benefit of the residents of St Huberts Island.
  3. To invite and deal with the moneys of the Association in such a manner as may be determined from time to time.
  4. To engage professional assistance of any kind and to remunerate any person for service rendered or to be rendered in or about the formation or promotion of the Association or the conduct of its affairs.
  5. To raise money from subscription and to grant any rights and privileges to subscribers.
  6. To do all such things as may be conducive to the well being of the residents of St Huberts Island.

All of these objects are significant, but it is points 1,2 and 6 that we work at all year long, and many times behind the scenes…


  1. Become a Member (Membership form here)
  2. Come to the Annual General Meeting at the Cove Hall
    (across the road from the Daleys Kitchen traffic lights near the top of the bridge)
  3. Maybe nominate for the Committee so we have enough people to carry out our six objectives, for the benefit of ALL ISLANDERS  (Nomination form here)


All residents are invited to this meeting and open forum of all matters of interest to Island residents.
A small plate of food would be appreciated to complement the supplied refreshments after the meeting.

As this is the Annual General Meeting, all positions on the SHIRA (St Huberts Island Residents Association) committee will be declared vacant and new elections will be held on the night. If you wish to become involved come along and raise your hand. New ideas are always welcomed as to how we can improve or progress your Association.

To be considered for election you must be a financial member of SHIRA. While the positions are voluntary (only the President gets paid the big bucks!!), we generally meet once a month and enjoy a drink or seven and a nibble or two. The cost to join SHIRA is just $20.00 for 4 years (or $5 for one year) and you can join or renew membership on the night.


A Nomination Form can be found here...

A Membership Form can be found here...